Edmond Simeoni School and Cultural Space, Lumio, Corsica The school has embraced Lumio, becoming part of its landscape, marrying the village and its surroundings, including its >>
Tartan School, Terlano (Bolzano) MoDusArchitects ha ultimato la realizzazione della Tartan School, l’ampliamento di un edificio scolastico esistente situato a Terlano, nella val d'Adige, tra le città >>
School Auguste Benoît, Piton de Cabriès, France The building seems simple: a mineral terrace architecture extending mainly over a single floor, in the hollow of the valley which protects like a mother. As if >>
Les Coteaux Fleuris School in Heudebouville, France From the history of the place, the school borrows materials and morphology: the wood of the half-timbered houses of the city center for the glazed frames and the >>
Primary school, Meinier (Geneva), Switzerland Despite its tight urban site, the new school in Meinier succeeds in generating public space and establishing a rich dialogue with its surroundings due to its location >>
Francis Kéré vince il Pritzker Architecture Prize 2022 Diébédo Francis Kéré, nato nel 1965 in Burkina Faso, è stato proclamato come (51esimo) vincitore del Pritzker Architecture Prize, il più prestigioso premio di >>
School group “René Beauverie” in Vaulx-en-Velin, France Different shades of blue provides links that are at times unexpected. The areas of white are modified by the various >>
Secondary School of Economics, Vukovar, Croatia The educational character of space is the bearer of future generations and the formation of a young individuals >>
Music School, Brunico, Italy Located in Brunico, Italian South-Tirol, the Project consists of the extension of the music school, located in the historical villa Casa Ragen >>
Prototipo di scuola “InsideOut”, Ghana “InsideOut” è un prototipo di scuola in terra costruito a Yeboahkrom, un villaggio del Ghana dove il vento aveva distrutto l’unica scuola >>