Crescent House, London, UK2025-02-01T19:17:31+01:00 by TYPE The Grade 2* listed Crescent House on the Golden Lane Estate, built in the early 1960s, is seen as a stepping stone to the design of the Barbican Estate, by the same architects: Chamberlin, Powell and Bon >>
Biblioteca Centrale di Ingegneria del Politecnico di Torino2025-02-01T19:20:12+01:00 di Antonio De Rossi e Carlo Deregibus – Masterplan Politecnico di Torino Il progetto segue una tradizione avviata da Roberto Gabetti con la concezione a scaffale aperto >>
A29 Unstable, Mataró (Barcelona), Spain2025-01-27T23:00:32+01:00 by MACH The A29 studio is the result of a new transformation of a flat located in a typical building of the area between dividing walls and with elongated proportions. The space had >>
Scotiabank North Interiors, Toronto, Ontario, Canada2024-12-14T23:22:07+01:00 by KPMB Architects In response to its growth over the years and the evolving needs of its workforce, Scotiabank sought to create a new environment for its employees that “appreciates and >>
Renovación de un ático en Madrid, España2024-09-16T01:38:04+02:00 de Ciszak Dalmas y Matteo Ferrari Unificada por un tono cálido y neutro, la paleta de la casa realza sus texturas arquitectónicas y la interacción con la luz, que continúa siendo un elemento central de >>
Casa a Marina di Ragusa (Ragusa)2024-08-06T10:46:16+02:00 di ES-arch enricoscaramelliniarchitetto La suddivisione originaria non privilegiava il rapporto con il mare e la luce del sud, oltre a limitare la fruibilità interna. Il progetto tratta la casa come un continuum di spazi >>
Locanda BLUM IN, Rovetta (Bergamo)2024-04-06T18:45:51+02:00 by Francesca Perani Enterprise Immersa nelle Alpi Orobie, la locanda BLUM IN a Rovetta mostra un uso trasformativo dello spazio attraverso una narrazione aerea realizzata ad arte con materiali >>
Casa Singer, Porto, Portugal2024-03-09T17:28:49+01:00 by Atelier Sergio Rebelo Singer is an apartment renovation named after the building where it’s located. Built in 1939, in the iconic Rua de Sá da Bandeira, the building is an Art Déco landmark in the heart of the city of Porto. The design >>
Appartamento in corso Italia, Milano2023-11-28T19:15:41+01:00 di Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini La suddivisione degli spazi, suggerita dalla presenza delle ampie vetrate, è tesa a dare un senso di ampiezza e continuità fra gli interni e gli esterni. I pilastri, posti al >>
Open plan mid-century house, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK2023-11-05T21:19:24+01:00 by AGORA architecture + design The solution was to create an L shaped living space, oriented towards the back garden. Walls to the old kitchen and hall were removed to open up the space >>
Sotheby’s flagship, Ajaccio, Corsica2023-10-01T13:54:37+02:00 by Amelia Tavella Architectes Tavella’s architecture is sensual. The material is skin, the light is captured and shaped, passing through the openings: bays, windows, moucharabiehs. Suddenly, we >>
House M04, Madrid, Spain2023-06-28T14:05:16+02:00 by minimo Once the original partition walls were removed and the initial structure restored, the project developed around simple actions. The focus was to unify the main areas of the house through >>