Mario Botta, sacro e profano al MAXXI di Roma È in corso presso il MAXXI un’installazione dedicata all’opera di Mario Botta, che ha assunto come concetto guida della mostra il tema del Sacro e del Profano >>
Rehabilitation and extension of the convent Saint-François, Corsica, France With its back to the cemetery, the convent overlooks the village it watches over. It has a front and a backstage. An olive grove is >>
On the Rocks, Faqra, Lebanon Seeking a total immersion in nature, we expand the existing grey canvas into man-made fair-faced concrete volumes that contain the intimate functions of the house. Bridging across >>
David Trubridge: “find where your heart lies and then speak from it” “Viviamo la maggior parte della nostra vita come se fossimo sulla superficie dell’acqua. Il suo scintillio e luccichio sono molto...” >>
48° Nord Landscape Hotel, Breitenbach, France The 48° Nord hotel reinterprets the traditional Scandinavian hytte, a place of retreat and reconnection with wild nature >>
House in Krkonoše, Czech Republic The house is inserted in a sloping terrain so that the basement has an entrance from the lower floor facing towards the outdoor pool. The main entrance and >>
House LS, Zonnebeke, Belgium The integration of the house into the surrounding nature was an important factor in the design process. Burnt wood was chosen as a circular material and the >>
Tainan Spring, Tainan, Taiwan Tainan Spring is a public space design that includes the transformation of a former city-centre shopping mall into an urban lagoon surrounded by >>
Nattours accessible recreational path, Helsinki, Finland The project began with the goal of making the local natural attractions more accessible >>
Guesthouse a Bellagio (Como) La proprietà si trova in una conca soleggiata e riparata dai venti, delimitata dalla collina che con l’oliveto e il bosco la incorniciano a forma di anfiteatro >>
Portland Japanese Garden Cultural Village The project is a village positioned along a journey from the city to the top of the hill, a form of modern monzenmachi wherein the pilgrimage pays homage to >>