85 viviendas sociales en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), España La edificación se organiza alrededor de un patio que articula una secuencia de espacios intermedios. En planta baja, un pórtico abierto >>
Buitenplaats Koningsweg, Arnhem, The Netherlands Buitenplaats Koningsweg transforms a former German military base from the Second World War into a residential and cultural enclave in one of the Netherlands’ most >>
Caruso Mainardi Architetti / abitazioni Dei 21 insediamenti è messa in evidenza la qualità dell’inserimento territoriale dei manufatti, la loro chiara definizione tipologica, planimetrica e distributiva >>
Laherrère center, Pau, France The primary intention of the project was to constitute a real living space, on the model of a village square, like the market that the site has hosted since the beginning of the work. The two L-shaped >>
80 housing & 2 shops, Paris, France For a long time, the intersection of the Tolbiac street and the Chevaleret street announced a change of landscape in the >>
110 housing units in Toulouse, France In the south of Toulouse, 90 housing units for sale and 20 social housing units are located in two volumes, a vertical one, “the belvedere”, and a horizontal one >>
Complesso residenziale Viale Giulini, Barletta Pensato come il “punto zero” di una riqualificazione generale di questo pezzo di città, il progetto rompe con le forme tipiche dell’edilizia convenzionata >>
45 housing units, ZAC Erdre Porterie, Nantes (France) The buildings offers a sober architecture, accentuated by the choice of colors and the layout of the openings >>
ImpAsse Roma/Corviale – Berlino/Marzahn Il resoconto di una storia dipanatasi tra ambizione, declino e possibilità di riscatto di importanti ambiti urbani sorti nelle due capitali europee >>
Kloosterbuuren, Den Haag, The Netherlands A design was made for an urban renewal area in the Hague Moerwijk district. It forms an ensemble of housing around a characteristic church >>