93 Petit, Paris, France The plot at 93 rue Petit occupies a significant position on a block of mixed-use buildings, typologically and historically. It’s a project that aims to establish links and create a life in the heart of the block >>
Villa SP, (Venezia) Il progetto mira alla realizzazione di un’architettura essenziale e scultorea attraverso la modellazione di un volume “monolitico” dove il paramento murario esterno in mattoni >>
Changjiang Art Museum, Taiyuan, China The Museum is situated at the edge of a newly constructed residential community, adjacent to the urban gird. Therefore, how to make the museum function >>
Housing for elderly people in Huningue, France The exceptional situation of the site - located on the banks of the Rhine - allowed us to turn the common areas and the hall towards the river >>
The Old Church of Vilanova de la Barca, Lleida, Spain The project aims to establish an architectural dialogue between the old parts of the 13th century Gothic Church and the new elements, between the past >>