Lozaits-Seguin ESAT, Villejuif, France In January 2024, DREAM agency inaugurated the Lozaits-Seguin Work Assistance Establishment and Services (ESAT) in Villejuif (Grand Paris). A social and solidarity >>
L’ultima casa di Adolf Loos è in costruzione a Praga A Praga, è stato dato avvio alla costruzione dell’ultima casa progettata da Adolf Loos, una villa in legno regalo per il diciottesimo compleanno di Eva Müller >>
Les Coteaux Fleuris School in Heudebouville, France From the history of the place, the school borrows materials and morphology: the wood of the half-timbered houses of the city center for the glazed frames and the >>
Small river house, Progar Ada, Belgrade, Serbia The area in which the house is positioned is a flood ground and in spring time most of the terrain is under water. The terrain is flat and next to the river Sava >>
Kindergarten Pedenjped, Lubiana, Slovenia The circular form of the kindergarten with the inner atrium is the answer to the noisy location along the railway track and the nearby road >>