Edmond Simeoni School and Cultural Space, Lumio, Corsica The school has embraced Lumio, becoming part of its landscape, marrying the village and its surroundings, including its >>
Amelia Tavella vince il concorso di Balaruc-les-Bains Amelia Tavella, titolare dello studio Amelia Tavella Architectes, vince il concorso per il rinnovo e l’ampliamento della spa termale O’Balia a Balaruc-les-Bains >>
School Auguste Benoît, Piton de Cabriès, France The building seems simple: a mineral terrace architecture extending mainly over a single floor, in the hollow of the valley which protects like a mother. As if >>
Sotheby’s flagship, Ajaccio, Corsica Tavella’s architecture is sensual. The material is skin, the light is captured and shaped, passing through the openings: bays, windows, moucharabiehs. Suddenly, we >>